Belarusian State
Technological University
Egorova (Shutova) Anna

Egorova (Shutova) Anna

Associate Professor,?PhD in Engineering sciences


of Polymer Сomposite Materials

Contact details

??+375 29 260 39 49,?8 (017) 327 65 62


??Sverdlova St. 13a, 210-2

Research interests:

Technology of paintwork materials and coatings, development formulations of paintwork materials with tailor-made properties; corrosion-resistant coat; modification of paintwork materials with nanoadditives


Chemistry and physics of film-former

Chemistry and technology of paintwork materials and coatings

Basics of paintwork materials compounding formulation

Government base of intellectual property

List of publications:?

  • The effect of degree filling compositions on the base of alkyd-styrene oligomers on coatings protective properties? / A.L. Shutova, I.K. Leshhinskaya, N.R. Prokopchuk / Materials, Technologies, Instruments. – 2010. – V.15 , №4 . – P. 88-93.

  • The effect of? primer formulation on electrochemical behaviour metal-coating systems / A.L. Shutova, I.K. Leshhinskaya, N.R. Prokopchuk, E. I. vinglinskaya // ?Proceedings of the Nat. Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Part of phys.-tech. scienсe.?– 2013.?– № 4.?– P.?57–63.

  • The effect of nanoadditives introduction method on the properties of the modified alkyd and epoxide primers? / A.L. Shutova, E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, E.I. Hovanskaya // Proceedings of BSTU.?– 2015. – № 4: Chemistry, Organic Substances Technology and Biotechnology.?– P. 115–120.

  • Research of Possible Synthesis of Alkyd-Styrene Resins?/?K.I. Vinhlinskaya, N.R. Prokopchuk, and A.L. Shutova?//Volume 7 Issue 3 Journal of Characterization and Development of Novel Materials, 2015. P. 447–458.
