Belarusian State
Technological University
Dudchik Galina


Galina Dudchik

PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor


Department?of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry

Contact details

?+375 17 327 30 24


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 506-3а

Scientific? interests

Synthesis and investigations of physical-chemical properties of the solid solutions in oxide systems containing ferrites and high-temperature superconductors; development of sol-gel method of synthesis of fine-dispersed powders of oxide high-temperature superconductors; synthesis and investigations of physical-chemical properties of the new segnetomagnetics on the base of bismuth ferrite with perovskite structure.

The scientific and methodology aspects of educational IT- technologies application for students' knowledge computer testing in the study of chemical disciplines. Development of new forms of organization and intensification of teaching process by using individual work of students, computer teaching programs, distance learning system, electronic teaching materials and manuals, etс.

The author of more than 160 papers, including 25 textbooks for higher educational institutions and manuals and the textbook in English (the course of lectures on Physical Chemistry) .

Teaching activities

Delivers the course of ?lectures on Physical Chemistry.

Has developed some educational programs and curricula, including educational program in English.

Main publications

  • Dudchik G.P., Zharsky I.M. Equilibrium Electrochemistry. Electrodes and Galvanic Cells: tutorial for higher educational institutions. –Minsk: BSTU, 2000, 141 p.
  • Polyachenok O. G., Stepanenko V. N., Dudchik G.P.[et al.] Thermodynamic Analysis of Some Processes of Obtaining “Solar” Silicon from Fluorine-containing Raw Materials / News (Vesti) of NASB. Ser. of Chemical Sciences. No. 2, 2001.
  • Bashkirov L.A., Dudchik G.P., Krisko L.Ya. Specific Features of Sol-gel Methods of Synthesis Metal Oxides and their Compounds with Specified Properties / News (Vesti) of NASB. Ser. of Chemical Sciences. No. 4, 2003.
  • Dudchik G.P., Zharsky I.M. Thermodynamics of Chemical Equilibrium: tutorial for higher educational institutions. – Minsk: BSTU, 2004, 198 с.
  • Dudchik G.P., Klyndyuk A.I., Chizhova Ye.A. Physical Chemistry.: tutorial for high school. Minsk: BSTU, 2008, 146 с.
  • Gurin N.I., Dudchik G.P., Orekhova S.E. Development of Electronic Educational-Methodical Manual on Natural Science / Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. VIII, Educational Work. – Мinsk : БГТУ, 2009. – Iss. X. – PP. 62–66.
  • Dudchik G.P. Physical Chemistry. Part I. Base of the Chemical Thermodynamics: texts of Lectures for students of chemical faculties of BSTU. – Minsk: BSTU, 2013, 276 р.
  • Gurin N., Dudchik G., Plaskovitski V. Multimedia system of testing for chemical disciplines. Sviridov Readings 2012. Collection of papers. Minsk: BDU, 2012. – ISS. 9. – PP. 257–264.
  • Bashkirov L.A., Bolvako A.K., Dudchik G.P., Krisko L.Y. Synthesis of Bi1–xPrx Fe1-x CoxO3 solid solutions by solid-state reactions method using BiFeO3 and PrFeO3 precursors / Proceedings of BSTU. Chemistry and technology of inorgan. substances. – Minsk: BSTU, 2013. – № 3(159). – PP. 16–20.
  • Dudchik G.P. Physical Chemistry. Texts of Lectures. In two Parts. Part 1. The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium: Texts of Lectures for students of Specialities: Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Materials and Products; Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, Materials and Products; Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources / G. P. Dudchik. – Minsk : BSTU, 2014, 100 p.
  • Bashkirov L.A., Dudchik G.P., Glinskaya A.A., Velikanova I.A. Synthesis and structure of solid solutions Bi0,95La0,05FeO3 and Bi0,9La0,1FeO3 using as precursors Bi1,8La0,2Fe4O9, Bi1,6La0,4Fe4O9 and the oxide of Bi2O3 / Proceedings of BSTU. Chemistry and technology of inorgan. substances. – Minsk: BSTU, 2016. – № 3 (185). – PP. 93–99.
  • Bashkirov L.A., Dudchik G.P., Glinskaya A.A., Velikanova I.A. Synthesis of new multiferroics on the base of bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 with the structure of perovskite using ferrites of other crystal structures as precursors and the oxide of Bi2O3 / Proceedings of BSTU. Chemical Technologies, Biotechnology and Geoecology.– Minsk: BSTU, 2017. – No 2. – PP. 42–48.
  • ?Bolvako A.K. Physical Chemistry Tasks for students? independent work using of distance learning system [Electronic resource] : tutorial for students of chemical-technological specialties: Part 1. Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium /A.K. Bolvako, G.P. Dudchik; Belarusian State Technological University. – 1.32 MB, format-pdf. – Minsk: BSTU, 2016. – 80 p.
  • Bolvako, A.K. Physical Chemistry [Electronic resource] : tutorial for students? independent work using of distance learning system for students of chemical-technological specialties: Part 2. Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics /A.K. Bolvako, G.P. Dudchik; Belarusian State Technological University. – 1.07 MB, format-pdf. – Minsk: BSTU, 2017. – 66 p.
  • Bolvako, A.K. Physical Chemistry [Electronic resource] : tutorial for students? control independent work using of distance learning system for students of chemical-technological specialties: Part 3. Phase Equilibrium. Phase Diagrams /A.K. Bolvako, G.P. Dudchik; Belarusian State Technological University. – 1.03 MB, format-pdf. – Minsk: BSTU, 2018. – 82 p.
  • Bolvako, A.K. Physical Chemistry. Electronic educational methodical package of the discipline “Physical Chemistry” for students of chemical-technological specialties /A.K. Bolvako, G.P. Dudchik; registered 16.06.2017, reg. No 1141712132 / State register of information
  • resource of Scientific and Engineering RUE, Institute of applied program-systems. The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus [Electronic resource].
  • Dudchik G.P., Bolvako, A.K., Bogdun E.O., Velikanova I.A. Some main methodological aspects of teaching science related disciplines by using computer technologies and distance learning system / Higher Engineering Education. Science and Methodology Journal. – Minsk: BSTU, 2018. –Vol. 2. No 2. – PP. 27–39.
  • Velikanova I.A., Glinskaya A.A., Dudchik G.P. Synthesis and investigations of properties of new multiferroics on the base of bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 / Proceedings of BSTU. Chemical Technologies, Biotechnology and Geoecology.– Minsk: BSTU, 2019. – Ser. 2. No 1(217). – PP. 42–48.
  • Bashkirov L.A., Dudchik G.P., Glinskaya A.A., Velikanova I.A. Synthesis and investigations of properties of new solid solutions on the base of bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 / Sviridov Readings. Collection of papers. Minsk: BDU, 2019. – ISS. 15. – PP. 19–31.