Belarusian State
Technological University
Dormeshkin Oleg Borisovich


Dormeshkin Oleg Borisovich

Director of the International Information and Analysis Center for Technology Transfer, Professor of the Department of Inorganic Substances Technology and General Chemical Technology of the Belarusian State Technological University



of Inorganic Materials Technology and General Chemical Technology



?+375256979252, +375172350725


Sverdlova St. 13a, 152а-4 and 111-3

Ph.D – thesis title: ?Developing technology for the treatment of fluoride and phosphorus-containing wastewater with phosphorus fertilizers?production?


D.Sc. doctoral thesis title: ?Resource-saving technologies of complex fertilizers based on multi-component water-salt systems"



Belarusian State Technological University, speciality – Inorganic substances technology (1980)



§?1980-1982 – Head of the shift of the sulphuric acid workshop of the Gomel chemical plant;

§?1982-1986 – PhD student, junior, senior researcher of the Belarusian State Technological University (BSTU), Minsk;

§?1986-2000 – assistant lecturer, professor assistant of Inorganic Substances Technology and General Chemical Technology Department, BSTU;

§?1993-2000 – deputy Dean of Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering BSTU;

§?2000-2016 – Head of Inorganic Technology and General Chemical Technology Department, BSTU;

§?2009-2020 – Vice-rector for Research, professor of Inorganic Substances Technology and General Chemical Technology Department, BSTU;

§?2020 – Director of the International Information and Analysis Center for Technology Transfer, professor of Inorganic Substances Technology and General Chemical Technology?Department, BSTU.


Public activity:

·?academician of the Eurasian Academy of Mining Sciences,

·?deputy chairman of the expert council of the Higher Appraisal Commission of the Republic of Belarus, chairman of the section of the Republican Educational and Methodical Association at the Ministry of Education,

·?member of the editorial board of the magazine "Trudy BSTU",

·?member of the COUNCIL of BSTU, member of the scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Education.



1991 Winner of the USSR VDNH (silver medal);

2005, 2009 ?Personal allowance of the President of the Republic of Belarus for outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus;

2007 - Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Award;

2008 Breast sign of the Ministry of Education "The Adukatsy Handout"; ?

2010 Honorary Certificate of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus; ?

2010 Special Fund Award of the President of the Republic of Belarus for special contribution to the development of the abilities of gifted students and students;

2010, 2015 Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Education; ?

2015 Commemorative sign "U gonar zasnavannya Natsyyannai akadem" navvuk Belarus"; ?

2005, 2015 Belneftekhim Honorary Certificate.

2018 - Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

2018 - Medal for Labor Merit



·?General Chemical Technology;

·?Equipment and design of inorganic substances production;

·?Technology and equipment for production of mineral fertilizers and salts;

·?Model processes of inorganic substances;

·?Modern technologies of inorganic substances and the tendency of their development.



·?study of solubility and rheology in multicomponent water-salt systems;

·?physicochemical processes in complex multi-component systems in the production of fertilizers;

·?development of new resource-and energy-saving technological processes;

·?problems of recycling inorganic industrial wastes;

·?wastewater treatment and water reuse systems;

·?production of the new types of mineral fertilizers on the base of conversion, mechanochemical and acid processes;

problems of technical education, vocational and teacher training in technical universities .


General chemical technology; Equipment and design basis production of inorganic substances; Technology and equipment for the production of mineral fertilizers and salts; Typical processes of technology of inorganic substances; Modern technologies of inorganic substances and their development trends

?Scientist profile:

Key publications:?

Author of more than 350 publications including 30 patents,?some monographs and textbooks.

Курдел? жэне курдел? аралас минералды тынайткыштардын технологиясы мен даму тенденциясы (Технология сложных и сложно-смешанных минеральных удобрений и тенденция их развития) (Казахстан. Учебник)

Бишаев У., Жантасов К.,

Молдабеков Ш.,

Петропавловский И.,

Дормешкин О.Б,

Жантасова Д.,

Джанмулдаева Ж. - Шымкент, ?Элем? баспасы, 2015. – 380 с.

КР БГМ республикалык оку-эд?стемел?к кенес?н?н химия-технологиялык мамандыктары бойынша оку-эд?стемел?к секцыясымен баспага усынылган № буйрык 15.01.2015 ж.

(Гриф УМО по химико-технологическому образованию Казахстана)

Химическая технология неорганических веществ. Дипломное проектирование. (учебно-методическое пособие)

Дормешкин О.Б.

-Мн.: БГТУ, 2016. - 108 с.

Гриф УМО по химико-технологическому образованию

Технология связанного азота и азотных удобрений.

(учебно-методическое пособие)

Гаврилюк А.Н.,

Дормешкин О.Б.

-Мингск-Ташкент: ТХТИ, 2019.-162с.

Гриф УМО по химико-технологическому образованию

Республики Беларусь и Республики Узбекистан

Ноорганик моддалар кимёвий технологияси битирув малакавий ишини лойи?алаштириш [Матн] : ??ув-услубий ??лланма

Дипломное проектирование Выпускная квалификационная работа по химической технологии неорганических веществ [текст]: (учебно-методическое пособие)

А.У. Эркаев, О.Б. Дормешкин. - Тошкент : Tafakkur?tomchilari, 2020. – 258 с.

Расчет математических моделей химических реакторов средствами MATLAB.?(учебно-методическое пособие)

А.Н. Гаврилюк, О.?Б.?Дормешкин

Учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов специальности 1-48?01?01 ?Химическая технология неорганических веществ, материалов и изделий? специализации 1-48?01?01?01 ?Технология минеральных удобрений, солей и щелочей?.?– Минск: БГТУ, 2020. 80с.

Гриф. Минобр. Республики Беларусь,

Технология связанного азота и азотных удобрений. Практикум. ?(учебно-методическое пособие)

А.Н.Гаврилюк, О.?Б.?Дормешкин, А.У.Эркаев, Х.Т., Шарипова Х.Т. Учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов специальности 1-48?01?01 ?Химическая технология неорганических веществ, материалов и изделий? специализации 1-48?01?01?01 ?Технология минеральных удобрений, солей и щелочей?,?специальности 5320400 ?Химическая технология? специализации ?Химическая технология неорганических веществ и минеральных удобрений? (ТХТИ)?.?– Ташкент,

Tafakkur?tomchilari. - ТХТИ, 2020. 256с.

Гриф. Минобр. Республики Узбекистан,

Гриф. Минобр. Республики Беларусь

Производство бесхлорных водорастворимых комплексных удобрений (монография)

Дормешкин О.Б., ?

Воробьев Н.И.

Минск: ?БГТУ, -2006.-248 с

Interactions between components of complex fertilizers. Chemical and physico-chemical interactions ?at the stages of mixing, granulating and drying during their production (монография)

Lambert, 2019. – 66 p

Новые виды фосфорсодержащих комплексных удобрений и тукосмесей. Технологии получения и агрохимическая эффективность (монография)

Под общей ред: О.Б. Дормешкин, К.Т. Жантасов. Мн.: БГТУ. 2020. – 350 с.

Energy and resource saving processing of lowgrade phosphorites.

YSSN 0040-5795 Theoretical foundations of chemical engineering 2015. - 49.

Study of conversion processes in multicomponent systems in manufacture of complex magnesium containing fertilizers

Journal of applied chemistry Vol.88, No.10, 2015. pp.1563-1569

Water cycle optimization for complex fertilizer manufacturing based on quality improvement of waste water treatment

Selected publications from the Water Harmony Project: Water Research and Technology. Water Harmony Project. 2015. pp. 3643

Жидкие комплексные удобрения на основе системы NH4H2PO4?– (NH4)2HPO4?– CO(NH2)2?– H2O

Химическая технология

(Москва), Т. 17, №3 2016 С. 98-103

Влияние магнийсодержащего сырья на процесс кислотного разложения в 老虎机游戏е комплексных фосфорсодержащих удобрений

Химическая промышленность сегодня, №3, 2016 С. 3-8.

Особенности 老虎机游戏 и старения осадков в процессе нейтрализации в системе CaO?–?H3PO4?–?H2SiF6?–?H2O

Вести НАН Беларуси, №1, 2016 С. 94100.

Preliminary study results of preparation and study of multicomponent mineral fertilizers ZHAMB-70 on the crop.

International conference of Industrial technologies and engineering. Shymkent, Kazakhstan. 2016

The solubility in CO(NH2)2-NH4NO3-(NH4)2SO4-H2O water-salt system at low temperatures

111 International conference “Industrial technologies and engineering” Shimkent, Kazakhstan, 28-29 Oktober, 2017 pp.173-175

Nonacide Technology of complex fertilizers production based on Karatau phosphates

111 International conference “Industrial technologies and engineering” Shimkent, Kazakhstan, 28-29 Oktober, 2017 pp.176-179

Anwendungsperspektiven des ESTA-Verfahrens ?fur Aufbereitung von carnallithaltigen Kalirohsalzen

Europian Jornal of Technical and Natural Science. 2016. - ?№ 3, Austria, Vienna , pp. 50-53

Реологические свойства карбамидсодержащих суспензий при получении комплексных NPK?и NPKS?удобрений

Химическая технология, № 12, 2016. – С.538543

The current state of production and consumption of fertilizers

Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Production belts of megapolices and agricultural branches in Kazakhstan. Problems, searches and solutions” Shymkent. SKSU named after M. Auezov, 2017. -246-251.

The Use of Dust Suppression on Unpaved Roads at the Mining Allotment of the Kuzbass Mine

Tatyana Cherkasova, ?Elizaveta Cherkasova1, Anastasia Tihomirova1,

Alexey Andryushkov, Oleg Dormeshkin

The First Interregional Conference “Sustainable Development of Eurasian Mining Regions (SDEMR-2019)”, 28 Nov. 2019

E3S Web of Conferences 134, 02006 (2019) SDEMR-2019 5Р?DOI?

Технические решения по усовершенствованию технологии 老虎机游戏а флотационного хлористого калия

Мирзакулов Х.Ч.,

Калонов Г.У.,

Дормешкин О.Б.,

Усманов И.И.,


Chemistry & chemical engineering. Научно-технический журнал. № 4, Ташкент. 2019 с. 26-30.

Межотраслевое сотрудничество Белорусского государственного технологического университета и профильных предприятий Беларуси в рамках реализации дорожной карты модели ?Университет 3.0?

Дормешкин О.Б., Войтов И.В., Каврус И.В. Высшее техническое образование. Научно-методич. Журнал. Том 3, №2, Мн.: 2019 с.20-27.

The Current State of Obtaining a New Range of Mineral Fertilizers, Fertilizer Mixtures, with the Solution of Environmental Problems

Arch Pet Environ Biotechnol 5: 160. DOI: 10.29011/2574- 7614.100060 (2020) Volume 5; Issue 01 22р.