Belarusian State
Technological University
Dolinskaya Raisa

Dalinskaya Raisa

Associate Professor,?PhD in Chemical sciences


Department of Polymer Сomposite Materials

Contact details

?+375 29 616 30 53, 8 (017) 327 65 62


?Sverdlova St. 13a,?207-2

Research interests:

Chemistry and technology of organic substances and materials, physics and chemistry of polymers, polymer composite materials and products. It has developed a number of formulations and rubber products manufacturing technologies for machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus and the products on the basis of rubber waste. Proposed a number of laws of formation of structure and properties of elastomeric compositions of the component composition and process parameters at all stages of the process.


?Technology and equipment for the synthesis and processing of polymers?;

?Technology and equipment for basic organic and petrochemical synthesis?;

?Basic chemical technology?;

?Energy efficiency in the chemical industry?;

?Recycling of elastomers?;

?Chemistry and Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis?.

List of publications:?

  • Dolinskaya R.M., Shcherbina E.I., Rusetsky D.V. Oil heat resistance rubbers: features vulcanization properties application.- Mn, BSTU.. - 2015. - 230 p.
  • Scherbina E.I. Dolinskaya R.M. Recycling elastomers. – Teach. Aid - Mn., 2011.- BSTU.- 91.
  • Dolinskaya R.M. Energy saving in the chemical industry.- Teach. Aid.- Mn., 2013.- BSTU.- 82.
  • Dolinskaya R.M., Zholnerovich N.V., Shatilo V.I. Basic technology chemical industry.- Teach. Aid.- Mn., BSTU.- 2013.- 186 p.
  • Dolinskaya R.M., Sviderskaya T.D., Prokopchuk N.R., Leyzeronok M.E. Influence of modifying additives on the technological and operational properties vulkanizatov.- Journal "Materials. Technologies. . Tools "- t.17 (2012). - №4.- P.77 - 80.
  • Dolinskaya R.M., Sviderskaya T.D., Shcherbina E.I., Prokopchuk N.R., Marusova S.N., Rusetsky D.V. Waste rubber industries - a promising material for new products.- Scientific journal "Proceedings of the Baltic State Technical University. Series Chemical technology of organic substances and biotechnology. - Minsk. - 2013. - №4 (160). Pp 45 - 47.
  • Dolinskaya R.M., Sviderskaya T.D., Prokopchuk N.R., Leyzeronok M.E., Korovin aYu. V., Rusetsky D.V. Influence of modifying additives on the properties of the compositions. Scientific journal "Questions of chemistry and chemical technology "(Ukraine). - 2013.- №1. - S. 78 - 80