Belarusian State
Technological University
Dolinina Tatyana

Dolinina Tatyana

Associate Professor


Economics and Plant Management

Contact details

?8 (017) 226 00 28


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 306-4

Research interests:

Productivity and wage issues.


Read lecture courses in the disciplines of "Statistics", "Industry Statistics", "theory of the analysis of economic activity", "Income Policy and wages". Supervises preparation of undergraduates and postgraduates.

List of publications:?

  1. Dolinina T. N. Compensation of employees: theoretical and methodological aspects. Minsk: Belarusian State Technological University, 2011. 315 p.
  2. Dolinina T. N. Firm wage policy: economic justification. Minsk, 2008. 320 p.
  3. Dolinina T. N. The effectiveness of state regulation of wages: a functional approach to evaluation // Scientific works of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Vol. 17. Minsk,? 2015. Р. 118–127.
  4. Dolinina T. N. Model of wage formation in the context of the modern theory of rent // Scientific works of the BSTU. Economics and Management. 2014. №7. P. 141–145.
  5. Dolinina T. N. Wages in system of social reproduction: a phenomenological model // Scientific Proceedings of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Vol. 15. Minsk, 2013. Р.113-125.
  6. Dolinina T. N., Tour V. M. Tariff system of remuneration: the evolution and current state of INAH // Economic Bulletin of the Ministry of Economy, 2009. №9. P. 35–45.