Belarusian State
Technological University
Burhanskaya Tamara

Burhanskaya Tamara

Head of the department of landscape design and architecture, PhD (Biology), associate professor


Department of Landscape Design and Architecture

Contact details

?+375 17 327 15 21


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 238-1


Research interests:

ornamental plant growing, decorative dendrology, floriculture, flower and decorative design of open spaces and interiors, technology of cultivation of ornamental plants, introduction and selection of ornamental plants, landscape design.


  • ?Floriculture?
  • ?Ornamental Plants Nurseries?
  • ?Basics of Fruit and Vegetable Production?
  • ?Modern Technology in Ornamental Horticulture?
  • ?Modern Methods of Plant Use in Landscape Architecture and Design?
  • ?Intensive Management of the Sector of Gardening and Ornamental Plant Growing?
  • ?Ornamental Design of Open Spaces and Interiors?
  • ?Innovative Technologies in Landscape Construction and Maintenance?

List of publications:?

  • Бурганская Т.М. Генетические методы в селекции однолетних цветочных культур. Мiнск: Навука i тэхнiка, 1993. – 183 с.
  • Antipov V., Burganskaya T., Makoznak N. Loshitza estate park complex in Minsk: problems of preservation and reconstruction. Abstracts of conference ?Urban Greenspace in the 21-st Century – Urban Greening as a Development Tool?. In 2 books, book 1. – St.Petersburg, 2001. – Р. 12–16.
  • Бурганская Т.М. Основы декоративного садоводства: учебное пособие. В 2?ч. Ч.?1. Цветоводство. – Минск: Выш. шк., 2010. – 367 с.
  • Основы декоративного садоводства: учебное пособие. В 2 ч. Ч. 2. Строительство и эксплуатация объектов озеленения / Н.А. Макознак, Т.М. Бурганская, М.И. Баранов, А.И. Блинцов, В.А. Ярмолович. – Минск: Выш. шк., 2010. – 272 с.
  • Burgantskaya T.M., Makoznak N.A., Prahodski S.A., Berezko O.M. The collection of ornamental plants and compositions in the parterre of BSTU Botanical Garden / Part II of the Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference ?Recreation Today: Trends and Possibilies? (Litnuania, Kaunas, 20 November 2015). “Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engeneering University of Applied Sciences”, 2016. – P. 85–89.
  • Эльяшевич Е.Г., Бурганская Т.М. Роль Карла Ивановича Гибенталя в фармации и биологии / Вестник фармации. № 3 (61) 2013. – С.?86–95.
  • Бурганская Т.М., Зельвович И.К. Декоративные питомники. Практикум. – Минск: БГТУ, 2016. – 238?с.