Belarusian State
Technological University
Brusentsova Tatyana

Brusentsova Tat’yana Pallad’yevna

Assistant lecturer


Informatics and Web-Design

Contact details

?+375 29 175 06 90,? 8 (17) 327 43 76


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 304-1

Research interests:

Methodology and technology of development and use of multimedia teaching-control software; theory, technology and distance learning tools; ergonomic basics of user interface design.


  • informatics and Computer Graphics;
  • computer Information Technology;
  • computer Geometry and Graphics;
  • design and Usability of User Interfaces;
  • design Interfaces of Mass Media Products.

List of publications:

  • Brusentsova T. P., Kishkurno T. V. Specifics of Training IT specialists in the Field of User Interfaces Development. / T. P. Brusentsova, T. V. Kishkurno // Development and Implementation of Modern Educational Technologies in the Educational Process: the materials of X International scientific-practical conference (27 February 2015): Proceedings / Ed. by DSc (pedagogical), prof. S. P. Akutina. – Moscow, "Sputnik +" Publishing House, 2015, P. 68-70.
  • Smelov V. V., Brusentsova T. P. Project Management in MICROSOFT PROJECT: study guide with TU signature. // Minsk: BSTU, 2011. – 157 p.
  • Akunovich S. I., Brusentsova T. P. Object Modeling in DELPHI Medium: study guide with TU signature. Minsk, BSTU, 2014. – 120 p.
  • Smelov V. V., Brusentsova T. P. Fundamentals of HTML5: Geolocation API, Web Storage API, Web Sockets API, Canvas, Video, Audio. Study guide with TU signature.
  • Brusentsova T. P. Design and Usability of User Interfaces. Study guide on course projecting. (electronic resource).