Belarusian State
Technological University
Borisevich Sergei

Borisevich Sergei Anatol’evich

Assistant lecturer


Informatics and Web-Design

Contact details


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 409-1?

Research interests:

Scientific Interests: mechanics of deformable solid body, numerical procedures, dynamics of tree harvesting machines.


  • informatics and Computer Graphics.

List of publications:?

  • Borisevich, S. A. Model of Flexible Bar in 3D and its Use for Definition Dynamics of Tree Trunk Fall / S. A. Borisevich, A. N. Kamlyuk // Proceedings of the Nat. Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ser. Physico-Mathematical Sciences. – 2012. – № 2. – P. 69–74.
  • Borisevich, S. A. Defining the Running Resistance of Tree Crown / S. A. Borisevich, A. N. Kamlyuk, D. V. Rebko // Proceedings BSTU. Ser. VI. Physico-Mathematical Sciences and Informatics. – 2013. – № 6 (162) – P. 34–36.
  • Borisevich, S. A. Modelling the Interaction of Tree Trunk with Manipulator Clamp / S. A. Borisevich // Proceedings BSTU. Ser. VI. Physico-Mathematical Sciences and Informatics. – 2015. – № 6 (179) – P. 53–57.
