Belarusian State
Technological University
Shpakouski Yury


Shpakouski Yury

Associate Professor of


Department of Editing and Publishing Technology

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 72 30


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 117-4

Research interests:

Availability of evaluation, information content of different texts, the complexity of the material optimization.


"Processing of textual information", "Text information processing technology".

List of publications:??Google Scholar Citations? ?РИНЦ? ?СYBERLENINKA

  • Shpakouski Y., Daniluk M. Comparative analysis of print and broadcast news content // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2013. — Pp. 79–82. (In Russian)
  • Zilbergleit M., Shpakouski Y., Neudakh M. Improving the quality of teaching materials for high schools // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2012. — Pp. 89–92. (In Russian)

  • Shpakouski Y. Evaluation and optimization of the difficulty of perception of complexity of the educational text: monograph. — Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. — 204?p.?(In Russian)
  • Shpakouski Y. Fonts. Reference designer manual. — Minsk: Harvest, 2006.?— 336?p.?(In Russian)?
  • Shpakouski Y., Daniluk M. Monetization of online media (for example, foreign editions) // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2015. — Pp. 130–133. (In Russian)
  • Zilbergleit M., Shpakouski Y., Neudakh M. Developing a model of quality control in the preparation of teaching materials for printing // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2014. — Pp. 90–94. (In Russian)