Belarusian State
Technological University
Rozhkov Leonid


Rozhkov Leonid



Department of forestry

Contact details

?+375 29 120 55 08, 8 (017) 226 04 89


?Sverdlova St. 13a,aud. 214-1

Research interests:

organization and management of the recreational forests; environmentally oriented forestry; non-clear cuttings; natural renewal of forests and biodiversity; forest ecology; forest certification; balance of carbon in forest and climate.



basics of forestry and forest harvesting.

List of publications?:?


Rozhkov L. N. Ecology with the basics of meteorology. Textbook. – Minsk: BSTU, 1995. – 341р (In Belarusian)

Rozhkov L. N., Laboha K. V. Silvics and forestry. Textbook. – Minsk: BSTU, 2009. – 248р (In Belarusian)

Rozhkov L. N.Silvics and forestry. Diploma textbook. – Minsk: BSTU, 2005. – 178р (In Belarusian)

Rozhkov L. N., Klimchik, G. Y., Shiman D. V. Ecology with the basics of meteorology. Laboratory ?textbook – Minsk : BSTU, 2007. – 178р (In Belarusian)

Rozhkov, L. N., Eroshkina, I. F. Fundamentals of forestry and forest harvesting. Textbook – Minsk: BSTU, 2015. – 137р (In Belarusian)


Rozhkov LN Fundamentals of the theory and practice of recreational forest. Monograph. Mn?:BSTU, 2001.? –?292 p (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Environmentally oriented forestry. Monograph.?–?Mn: BSTU, 2005.–??182 p (In Russian).

Technical regulations:

Rozhkov LN, Steinbock AG The main provisions for the forest inventory and forestry in the resort and recreational areas of the Byelorussian SSR. –?? Mn .: Lesproekt, 1978. ? –?100 p (In Russian)

Rozhkov LN Instructions for the organization and conduct of non-clear cutting in the forests of the Republic of Belarus. ?–?Mn., 1998.–?68 p(In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Steinbock AG, Hadarovich AI Method of sustainable ecologically oriented forestry to the formation of indigenous stands on soil-based typological [Scientific and technical information in the forestry sector. Vol. 10.?Mn, 2003] –?pp.5-32(In Russian).

Rozhkov LN, Dashkevich EA, Kuzmenkov MV, Yanushko AD Regulation on forest management and forest management in the wetland forests. It approved and put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, №302 from 05.12.2007 (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN, Kuzmenkov MV, Poplavskaja LF Recommendations on the organization and conduct of forestry in forests with targeted social and environmental functions. Approved and put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, №20 from 28.01.2010(In Russian)

Rozhkov LN, Kuzmenkov MV, Krasovsky VL, Abramovich MY Methods of assessing the total and the annual carbon sequestration by forests of the Republic of Belarus. Approved. and put into action by the order of the Ministry of Forestry, №81 of March 28, 2011.?Minsk: BSTU, 2011. (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN, Eroshkina IF, Shatravko AV Guidelines for the preservation of positive balance "Photo-emission" of carbon dioxide by forests of Belarus and use lesouglerodnogo resource in the organization and management of forestry. Approved. and enter. in effect the order of the Ministry of Forestry Republic of Belarus,№ 99 from 11.06.2014, (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Methods of aesthetic appreciation of landscapes lesnoye hozyaystvo.[Forestry 1978, №12].?? pp. 23-26 (In Russian).

Science articles:

Rozhkov LN, BD Zhilkin, VP Grigoriev. Investigation of the effect of lupine on the nitrogen and minaralnoe food eaten agrochimia. [Agrochemicals, №11, 1970].??–? p. 14-20. (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN, NT Yushkevich Features of forestry in the system using a non-clear felling.Trudy BGTU?[ BSTU Works, vol. VI, Ser. "Forestry", 1998].? ? p. 10-15. (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Methodological approaches to the management of recreational forest monitoring. Trudy BGTU.[Proceedings of the BSTU, Vol. VI, sir. 1 "Forestry", 1998].–? pp.29-33. (In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Long-gradual cutting as an effective measure of productivity enhancing wood softwood stands / LN Rozhkov, AF Puzovik, OV Karankevich. Trudy BGTU.[ Proceedings BSTU. Ser. I, of forest. Hawse-in. - Vol. XVI, 2008].–?p. 107-111(In Russian).

Rozhkov LN, Shatravko AV. The carbon balance of forest bogs of Belarus Trudy BGTU [Proceedings BSTU. Forestry, 2012, Vol. 1]. ?pp.111-114?(In Russian).

Rozhkov LN Evaluation of carbon pool and dynamics of carbon flow in the forests of Belarus .Problemy lesovedenya i lesovodstva. Sbornic nauchnykh trudov Instituta lesa.[Problems of Forest and Forestry: Coll. scientific. tr. IL NAS. Vol. 72. - Gomel: Institute of Forest of NAS B, 2012], pp. 130-141?(In Russian).

Rozhkov L.N. A new look at the division of forests in Belarus. Ustoychivoye lesopolzovanye.[Sustainable Forest Management, 2016, №1], pp.16-22 (In Russian).

Rozhkov L.N., Eroshkina I.F. Reproduction of the pine formation of Belarus in with the aim of ?to preserve the mikropopulyations diversity at the edafoklimatops level. Problemy lesovedenya i lesovodstva. Sbornic nauchnykh trudov Instituta lesa. [Problems of Forest and Forestry: Coll. scientific. IL NAS works. Vol. 75. Gomel: Institute of Forest of NAS of Belarus, 2015], ? p.126-138?(In Russian).

Rozhkov L.N. Old-growth pine forests: how to save.Sbornic hauchnykh trudov: Aktualnyye problem lesnogo kompleksa.[Actual problems of forest complex. Coll. scientific. tr., Vol. 41],? Bryansk,2015,? pp.71-76 (In Russian).

Rozhkov L.N. Modern trends in forest management in Belarus. Ustoychivoye lesopolzovanye.[Sustainable Forest Management, 2016, №3],?pp.16-23 (In Russian).