Belarusian State
Technological University
Liubetskaya Tatsiana


Assistant lecturer,?Master of Physico-mathematical sciences


Department of Higher Mathematics

Contact details



?Sverdlova St. 13a, 204-4

Research interests:

Studying the properties of stabilizability; modal controllability of systems with delay; descriptor management systems with time delay.


Higher Mathematics.?Mathematics.

List of publications:?

  • On movable singular points of solutions of autonomous Hamilton fourth order / Proceedings BSTU. Ser. VI, Sci. Science and inform.-2009.-Vol. XVIII. -C. 14-16.
  • On the question of moving singular points of solutions of Hamilton's sixth-order autonomous system in the case where the intermediate Hamiltonian argument - a fractional-linear function / Proceedings BSTU. Ser. VI, Sci. Science and inform.-2010.-Vol. XVIII.- S.41-43