Belarusian State
Technological University
Dyadenko Mihail


Dyadenko Mihail

Deputy head of a research part /?Assistant professor


Research part /?Department of Glass and Ceramics Technology

Contact details

?8 (017) 327-56-20


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 244а - 4

Research interests:

Research and development of a new compositions of radiotransparent and electromagnetic shielding glasses, new compositions of glasses for fiber and ray optics and eyeglass lenses.

Studying of the production technology of fiber-optical elements.

Obtaining of the glass-ceramic cement for vacuum-tight joint .


Chemical technology of glass and glass-ceramic.

Equipment and design enterprises sub-sector.


Mineralogy and petrography.

Educational research work of students.

Diploma projection.

General production technological practice.

List of publications:?

  • Левицкий, И.А.?Производство стекла и ситаллов. Курсовое проектирование /?И.А. Левицкий, Ю.Г. Павлюкевич, М.В. Дяденко.?Минск:БГТУ,?2016. –?174?с.
  • Dyadenko, M.V. Features of the production of glasses for claddings of rigid multimode optical fiber / M.V. Dyadenko // Journal of Optical Technology, 2014, Vol. 81, Issue 8, pp. 472–480.
  • Papko, L.F.?High-index glass for the products of ophthalmologic optics /?L.F. Papko, I.A. Levitskii,?M.V. Dyadenko?// Proceedings BSTU. Ser. III, Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2013, no.3, pp. 89–92.
  • Levitskii, I.A. Rheological properties of borosilicate glasses and melts / I.A. Levitskii, L.F. Papko,?M.V. Dyadenko?// Glass and Ceramics, 2013, Vol.70,??no. 5–6, pp. 208–212.
  • Levitskii, I.A.?Glass-ceramic?cement for vacuum-tight joint?/?I.A. Levitskii, L.F. Papko,?M.V. Dyadenko?// Works BSTU. Ser. III, Chemistry and technology of the inorganic substances, 2015, no.3 (176), pp. 3–8.
  • Levitskii, I. A.?BaO–La2O3–B2O3–TiO2–SiO2 glass production /?I. A. Levitskii,?M.V. Dyadenko, L.F. Papko //?Glass and ceramics, 2012,?Vol. 68, no. 9–10, pp. 315–318.
  • Levitskii, I.A. Ophthalmologic glass with enhanced refractive index / I.A. Levitskii, L.F. Papko,?M.V. Dyadenko?// Glass and Ceramics, 2013, Vol.70,??no. 5–6, pp. 180–183.
  • Dyadenko, M.V. Glass for fiber optics (review) / M.V. Dyadenko,??I. A. Levitskii //?Glass and ceramics, 2008, Vol. 65, no. 9–10, pp. 310–315.
  • Dyadenko, M.V. Glass for obtaining rigid optic fibers / M.V. Dyadenko, I. A. Levitskii //?Glass and ceramics, 2010,?Vol. 67, no. 5–6, pp. 152–157.
  • М.В. Дяденко, И.А. Левицкий (2012): Волоконно-оптический элемент (пат.?15310?Респ. Беларусь).
  • М.В. Дяденко, И.А. Левицкий, Л.Ф. Папко (2015): Оптическое стекло (пат. 19544?Респ. Беларусь).
  • И.А. Левицкий, Л.Ф. Папко,?М.В. Дяденко?(2015): Оптическое стекло (пат. 19364 Респ. Беларусь).